[(no) Tour] interview with Geert Vermeire ⋈ English file 2011 [download pdf file].
[no Tours] the Milena principle. [download pdf file].
[The Dürer Connection] the Milena principle. [download pdf file].
[The Table of Meetings] [download pdf file].
[A Feeling Thinking] the Milena principle. [download pdf file].
[Growing Silence] the Milena principle. [download pdf file].
[The Politics of the Heart] the Milena principle. [download pdf file].
[Videos and Soundscapes] the Milena principle. [download pdf file].
[Invisible Places] [text lecture by Simona Vermeire & Geert Vermeire Viseu Portugal 20.07.2014] [download pdf file]
[Approaching silence] report project ASFA Athens Greece ⋈ English file 2011 [download pdf file].
[Architypes] proposal for workshops English file 2010 [download pdf file].
[Sinfosaramgo] the Milena principle. [download pdf file].
[the Milena principle] onderzoek naar een kruisbestuiving tussen kunst- en erfgoedpraktijken
Lynn Louise Pauwels, Vrije Universiteit Brussel 2012 [download pdf bestand].
[Sense in the City] Nederlandstalig introductie dossier 2012. [download pdf bestand].
[WIT urban team] Nederlandstalig dossier 2010. [download pdf bestand].
[(no) Tour : interview met Geert Vermeire] ⋈ Nederlands 2011 [download pdf bestand].
[(no) Tour] Nederlandstalig dossier 2011 [download pdf bestand].
[Made of Walking - Table of Walks] Programme La Romieu France 27.08.2017 > 01.09.2017 [see pdf file]
[Poesia geolocalizada Introdução em português] arquivo 2011. [Ler arquivo pdf].
[(no) Tour] Introdução em português 2011. [Ler arquivo pdf].
[Hikikomori] Introdução em português ⋈ arquivo 2011. [Ler arquivo pdf].