"It is not about arriving, it is how to get there"
Luggage carrier
What if 'traveling' is considered to be 'a work of art'?
Practical worries of being on the road are interspersed with discussions, performances and lectures. Experiencing a place, visiting a museum together, sharing ideas, art philosophical conversations, agreements, interviews with congenial persons are a breeding ground for instant creation. Sometimes works of art are made and left behind with the host(ess) or at the venue. The further development of these projects is also based on the nomadic aspect that characterized the earlier renaissance artists, who did not only travel with their work through Europe but also made connections with all the places they visited.
Albrecht Dürer for instance visited the printer Plantijn in Antwerp, these great renaissance persons found each other via their common interest for the new Hermetic and humanistic thinking. Through their travels they moved boundaries, they made inner journeys, travelled with and via ideas. Through exchanges of ideas with artist friends, whom they visited during these long journeys, they created a network of solidarity and affinity.
The aspect of the artist as a ‘playing human being’ leads to conditions which enable the artist to discover and grow. This laboratory, the search as an interiorized process, results in wanting to see more in the reality surrounding us, with the work of art as an end result that gives shape to these thoughts. The 'Path of Dürer' is about an inner journey, a searching trip, the nomadic elements of being on the road. Every gesture which makes sense is evidence of the extra element in reality. We want to consider this gesture artistically and let it grow. The creative energy does its job.
Past 'voyages as art':
Eine Spur von Erinnerung (Joseph Beuys) Kassel Germany 2004
Friedrich Nietzsche Seminar Osmannstedt Germany 2005
Calle dei Amici Venice Italy 2005
Gepäckträger Berlin Germany 2006
Gepäckträger (II) Kassel Germany 2007
The Marcilio Ficino connection Firenze Italy 2009.
How long is Now? Braga, Porto Portugal ⋈ Vigo, Spain 2010.
Embracing the landscape Braga, Portugal ⋈ Santiago De Compostella Spain 2010.
Growing Silence Goethe Institut, About and ASFA Athens Greece 2011.
Canto indentro Accademia Dantesca Jahnishausen Germany 2011.
Liquid Islands Venice Italy 2011.
Sinfo Saramago Congress Saramago Foundation Lisbon & Nogueira da Silva Braga Portugal 2012.
Water Carrier Museu Nogueira da Silva Braga Portugal 2014.
Breeding Grounds University Belas Artes Lisbon Portugal 2014.
[ Mapping our working space ]
Amsterdam - Antwerp - Athens -Barcelona - Belgrado - Berlin - Beveren - Braga - Brasilia - Bruges - Chania - Chemnitz - Chios - Compostella - Delphi - Dimitsana - Dresden - Essen - Florence - Ghent - Guimaraes - Jahnishausen - Kassel - Lisbon - Lodz - Ljubljana - Naumburg - Nieuwolda - Paris - Patras - Porto - Prague - Prishtina - Santiago de Compostela - Sint-Niklaas - Skopje - Soufi - Thessaloniki - Tirana - Tirgu Mures - Tongeren - Venice - Vigo - Weimar
the Milena principle 2004
the Milena principle 2005
[The Naumburg Variations] ⋈ Naumburg cathedral ⋈ performance.
[Friedrich Nietzsche Seminar ⋈ Osmannstedt Germany 2005].
Auf den Spuren Friedrich Nietzsches von Röcken bis Weimar. Eine Veranstaltung der Weimar-Jena Akademie in Zusammenarbeit mit Invitare vom 06.-09.10.05. In reply to the invitation of Ingrid Pee from Kassel to participate in the Friedrich Nietzsche Seminar that was held on the museum domain Wielandgut, Osmannstedt in Weimar with professor Dr. Friedrich Voßkühler of the University of Darmstad and Dr. Frithjof Reinhardt, Weimar, Geert Vermeire and Stefaan van Biesen presented their 'philosophical path' to the participants of this seminar. Their artistic interventions were philosophical intermezzos. The magnificent cathedral of Naumburg formed the background of 'the Naumburg Variations', a 20 minute performance by Geert Vermeire and Stefaan van Biesen in which several participants took part.
Museo Goldoni Venetië 2005. performance Stefaan van Biesen en Geert Vermeire
the Milena principle 2006
['Gepäckträger' Berlin Germany]. [How long is now?] During the summer visit to Berlin the Milena were hosted by Brigitte Kalinowski at the Savignyplatz. During this visit several performances partly planned in advance took place and were photographed and filmed.
['We carry our paths (I)' ⋈ The Grunewald variations ⋈ performance]. Videostils from the performance ' Die Grünewald Variationen'. A seemingly endless thread made visible the path of a walker in the Grunewald forest in the vicinity of Berlin. It was a silent tribute to the deportees who left for an unknown and terrible place. A greeting, a gesture of commitment.
the Milena principle 2007
['Luggage carrier (II)' Documenta Kassel Germany]. During this project ‘bagagedrager’ (= Luggage carrier) our thoughts got close to Joseph Beuys. The making of a video interview with Rhea Thöngres-Stringaris, writer and intimate friend of Joseph Beuys, became the central activity. The conversation was integrated in the Milena exhibition as a work of art just like 'the meeting table', discussions always held a central place.
the Milena principle 2009
['The Marcilio Ficino connection' Firenze Italy]. In the course of 2009 the Milena visited Florence to follow the foot steps of Marisilio Ficino. The translation of the Corpus Hermeticum by Ficino on the order of Cosimo Di Medici caused an absolute change in the world view and in the way of thinking. Man was back in the centre of the universe as a mirror of the unspeakable. The human body becomes the standard unit to shape the world and the way of thinking. That trip was a greeting in time to Marcilio Ficino, the Renaissance scientist and Piero della Francesca, the timeless master.
the Milena principle 2010
['How long is now?' Braga ⋈ Porto Portugal]. During July 2010 the Milena principle stayed in Braga in Portugal in the Nogueira da Silva Museum. Installations were shown in the Biscainhos museum and also in da Silva. Stefaan van Biesen and Geert Vermeire did a performance. Lectures were held in the Serralves Foundation in Porto, Show me galery in Braga. A presentation of our new projects in MARCO, the museum of contemporary art in Vigo Spain. Meeting Stephanie Brandt of Spacepilots London UK and the soundartists of Escoitar.org Spain.
the Milena principle 2011
[Growing Silence ⋈ Goethe-Institut Athens Greece]. A project to promote the qualities of silence and space in an urban context. Our project is about the experience and importance of urban silence and the connection between space and silence. In the Goethe-Institut Athens the Belgian artists Stefaan van Biesen and Geert Vermeire were showing videos of performances and art projects in Germany [the Naumburg Variations and Grunewald Variations ], next to an installation/performance made in Athens, documenting urban artistic interventions.
Not the physical definition of silence, or the acoustical definition counts. Through a phenomenological approach to silence the artists explore how sound unambiguously works on the human being (in this case in an urban context). Silence is an instrument of experience and as well as an instrument of knowledge.
The project wants to realize a cultural bridge between the presence of silence as access to historical and natural soundscapes and the inner experience of silence. Silence is not limited to a material-accoustical aspect, silence is as well a part of city life as an inner space, a breating space.
[Approaching Silence ⋈ About Art Center Athens and ASFA Greece]. This project tries to involve young people in the making of and creating of (urban) silence. We invite students and young artists into the design process and try to engage them in the future development of their environment and to excite them about the city. Approaching silence will explore silence in the city, looking for design tools for the shaping of places and urban experiences.
['Divina Comedia' Dante seminar ⋈ Jahnishausen Germany]. The Milena principle was invited by the Accademia Dantesca Jahnishausen for an artistic project in which renaissance and contemporary culture are connected. The original Accademia was founded by King Johann of Saxony, who has translated Dante's Divine Comedy in Castle Jahnishausen. The King founded a group of artists, writers and experts, called the Accademia Dantesca, to discuss the work of Dante and to collaborate on an interdisciplinary way on this project. Famous member were for example Carl Gustav Carus and Ludwig Tieck. The contemporary Accademica wants to restore this culture of dialogue with interdisciplinary meetings in the castle Jahnishausen. Goal is to iniate event linking the arts, culture and environment, as well working on the conservation and restoration of Castle Jahnishausen. The castle will be a meeting place between artists, cultural experts and ecological and environmental workers and act as an interdisciplinary center with projects open to participation for a large public.
The Milena principle participated with Linda Ivens, Annemie Mestdagh, Geert Vermeire, Stefaan van Biesen and Walter Van Dam. 'Canto Indentro' [ Canto I, the Hell ] was a live performance of five speakers in five different languages of Canto I. A special soundscape 'Passio' was made by Stefaan van Biesen for this event.
[Throwing Whispers' Gesture (VI) ⋈ Urban ritual ⋈ Braga Portugal].
Intervention by Annemie Mestdagh and Stefaan van Biesen, Largo S. Tiago in Braga Portugal 2011. In the background several women complaining about the fact that it is forbidden by law to feed the pigeons of the city. A warm greeting to 'all sisters of mercy'.
An exhibition project by Stefaan van Biesen [the Go-between] in the Museums of Biscainhos and Nogueira da Silva in Braga during the Summer of 2011. Several works of art were created in an artistic laboratory following on this event. Drawings, attributes video and two installations with dresses, one in the garden of the Museum Biscainhos, 'the Space between', and one within the Museum Nogueira da Silva, 'the Promise', 'Birthmarks (I).
Also two urban interventions in the city of Braga by Annemie Mestdagh and Stefaan van Biesen: 'Throwing whispers' [ an urban ritual ] and 'the letter' were filmed and documentated. 'the Letter' a write performance by Stefaan van Biesen in the garden of the Biscainhos museum Braga .
[The Letter ⋈ the garden of the Biscainhos museum ⋈ Braga Portugal].
[Liquid Islands ⋈ an urban ritual ⋈ Venice Italy].
the Milena principle proposed an intervention, 'Liquid Islands' [washing the feet of strangers], in the old Renaissance city surrounded by sea. Myriam Bosschem [Belgium], accepted and asked several people, who passed by, if she could wash their feet as an urban gesture of caring and making connection. Starting in the early morning at Campo San Margherita, asking people to participate, finaly she found a traveling couple form Norway who accepted the offer: Jette KJ Øigard and her husband Bjarne Bjerkeland. The final location, where this unannounced event took place, was Campo San Zaccaria near San Marco, an old square where many people pass by. This urban ritual took place in the evening near an old waterfountain. People stopped and wondered.
The Milena principle participated with Annemie Mestdagh, Ingrid Smeekens, Myriam Bosschem, Peter Maes [the colour U], Filip Van de Velde and Stefaan van Biesen.
the Milena principle 2012
[Sinfo Saramago ⋈ an urban ritual ⋈ Lisbon Portugal].
the Milena principle 2014